Sep 29, 2007

St. Dalfour Wild Blueberry Spread

My mother is just sooo thoughtful. And sooo organized.

Miles away in the Gold Coast, she remembers to send her three bears here (us) a box of stuff she thought we'd want/enjoy. She sent three of everything, those in jars carefully, individually wrapped in newspaper and arranged and packed neatly in the box. I had wanted to take a picture so that I can show you how neat it was but excitement took over and I had to redistribute the stash...

My favorite of them all is the St. Dalfour spread which came all the way from France. The wild blueberries were fresh and whole, the syrup in just the right level of sweetness. C'est ciel dans une fiole! Heaven in a jar!

But heaven was gone too soon! 284 grams of goodness lasted only a few breakfasts, topping toasted and buttered wheat bread or pancakes, or sometimes licked right out of the teaspoon. I can't get enough of the goodness, and it seems like the rest of the household felt the same way. The spread barely lasted two days from the day it was opened..

And here's probably why:

St. Dalfour ‘Rhapsodie de Fruits’ are made in the heart of the French countryside to an old recipe from the Loire Valley. They are pure fruit. No sugar is added. Only the natural sweetness of concentrated grape juice is used. This natural sweetness produces a taste which is much fresher and more delicious than the heavy taste of sugar. -St. Dalfour website
Speaking of heaven, writing this post made me curious about St. Dalfour. Who was he and how did he live? Why was this piece of culinary heaven named after him? Was he a cook so good, his concoctions merited him a place in heaven? If that's the case then there's hope for me! Hahaha! Not to toot my horn and say I am a good cook, but to say I can work on making great dishes ala St. Dalfour and maybe have a place in heaven. :)

1 comment:

  1. i love St. Dalfour Prunes. they're so yummy unlike those that come in a box. when i had a bottle i had to keep myself from eating everything in one sitting.
